Friday, March 30, 2012

Honeymoon widow Gemma relives horror of shark attack

Honeymoon widow Gemma relives horror of shark attack

Husband Ian killed ten days after wedding

Ian and Gemma Redmond
Tragic ... Ian with Gemma before he was killed
Gemma Redmond, 28, spoke at the inquest into the death of 30-year-old Ian — who had married her just ten days before the tragedy.
Primary school teacher Gemma recalled how they travelled to the Seychelles in August last year.
They spent a day at Anse Lazio beach on Praslin Island after keen snorkeller Ian had done some research where to find the best beaches.
She said: "He went into the water. There were 100 people or so on the beach and many people in the water. There were no signs and no warnings. He was not very far out — perhaps 20 metres.
"I was reading my book on the beach when I heard a noise and some shouting. I realised Ian was in difficulties. There were some motor boats that I waved to and two catamarans who also went to help Ian.

Gemma Redmond
Inquest ... Gemma Redmond

"It was then that I realised that Ian had suffered some very, very serious injuries."
The inquest heard Ian was treated by a surgeon on one of the catamarans and also rushed to hospital but died on arrival due to shock and losing too much blood from the severe wounds caused by the shark bites.
Deputy coroner Alan Walsh recorded a verdict of accidental death at the hearing in Bolton, Lancs.
He said: "Ian went snorkelling as he had done on many occasions. There would not have been any indication that it presented any danger. The beach was full and other people were in the sea.
"This was a sudden and unexpected event — a shark attack which caused severe and unsurvivable injuries. He would not have had any warning.
"He was in the prime of his life and had everything to look forward to in his marriage and his career.
"He lost his life in tragic and horrific circumstances at a time of his life which was probably his happiest."
The inquest heard a French tourist was killed in a shark attack at the same resort a few weeks earlier.
Acting High Commissioner Bernard Silver told the hearing: "This was an horrific incident. We have taken very serious steps to eradicate the dangers."
Speaking outside court Gemma urged tourists not to avoid the Seychelles

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